Lawyers Assisting Lawyers (WaLAL)

A 501 (c)(3) nonprofit promoting health, recovery, and civility within the Washington legal community, by the Washington legal community


 You’re Not Alone!” WaLAL is featured in the March 2025 Washington State Bar News. Inspired by successful, voluntary peer-to-peer programs for lawyers in other states, Washington Lawyers Assisting Lawyers is an independent and unique nonprofit peer-to-peer support program serving the Washington legal community.

Next steps

  • You can take screening tests about lawyer health issues.

  • Select a peer counselor from WaLAL.

Take Action

Find your way to health, recovery, and civility, a path not taken.

How lawyers assisting lawyers works!

The video is for informational purposes only. WaLAL is grateful that the Texas LAP has permitted its reuse.

If you need immediate assistance

Call 988

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