Find a path forward with health, recovery, and civility.

Helping lawyers become well again

Take a screening test and reflect on how a peer counselor can improve your health by assisting you to clarify your feelings, thoughts and behaviors. These screening tests are helpful but not required to be eligible to seek peer counseling from WaLAL. 

Self Tests

Screening self-tests are tools that help assess your health issues. These tests identify patterns of feelings, thoughts, or behaviors that can lead to negative consequences in your relationships and decision making.

Perhaps you are struggling with burnout, ennui, questioning career choice, work-life balance, quiet quitting, and failing to goal set. Identifying these patterns may suggest that you pursue assistance to improve your quality of life. 

WaLAL is here to assist.

Work With A Peer Counselor

Question:  Do I have to have a diagnosis related to mental health, emotional health, and substance use challenges to be eligible to seek assistance from WaLAL? I don’t have any. I don’t feel mentally ill, drink, drug, or smoke any substance. I just feel blah or kind of a malaise about myself in the legal profession. Or I just have been through a tough life transition.

Answer: NO. You do not have to have any type of diagnosis to be eligible to seek help from WaLAL. You can engage in peer counseling to explore ennui, burnout, questioning career choice, quiet quitting, failing to goal set, and work-life balance.